Monday, January 30, 2012

Global Warming: We all must do our part. Have you?

Everyday, when I wake up, I look outside. I love the outdoors. But then, I think of what it will look like 30 years later. Will it stilll be the same?? Will the sky still be sunny and bright?? Will the ground still be able to produce flowers, weeds and trees?? Will the great mountains out west still be towering over us? Sadly, the answer to most of these delicate questions is no.

We have to do something!! Stop idiling your car! Recycle! Reuse! Turn off unnecessary things that are using up precious electricity! Wear an extra layer instead of cranking up the heat! Have shorter showers. Walk to some places instead of driving or the next car you buy-try and get a power efficient one. Use better lightbulbs.

If we all work together we can all end global warming! Don't you want your childrens' childrens' childrens' children to enjoy the same breathtaking views, clear blue water and uncharted islands as we all do now?! Please do your part. If a 15 year old can, then so can you.

Global Warming: We all must do our part. Have you?
I walk or ride my mountain bike everywhere. Switched to high efficiency light bulbs.:)
Reply:So to save the mountains from crumbling, I must do my part.

Sorry, but stopping the powers of plate tectonics is a task beyond the powers of even myself.
Reply:Every day I drive to work,eat fast food and in general fart enough methane to pump up the planet a billionth of a degree, I am helping keep everyone nice and warm. I pay my taxes to keep everything going as is. Peace
Reply:I've got news for you. The UN Report, which you obviously haven't read, says GW is going to be around for hundreds of years no matter what we do or don't do. So if we all do these symbolic things you talk about, we will merely make ourselves miserable for nothing. Think about that when you see how much jet fuel and electricity is used in next years political conventions.
Reply:i use bicycles and do plantation 4 dat.
Reply:Global Warming Man made is a political Gimmick. It's fake I can't believe you actually believe in it. But global warming it self is real. Every 1500 years or so the earth warms up alot, it's natural.

But man Global warming is just a gimmick.That's weird how where I live it's been the coldest it's ever been.
Reply:I take the metro... last time ive been in a car was like 3 months ago.

My parents have begun switching to those white lightbulbs that last a long time...

The thing is, our household uses up TOO much electricity, I mean seriously, we have 4 computers, 3 air conditioners, 2 TVs for like a 400 square-foot apartment...

But doesnt turning on the AC make the earth colder?? lol
Reply:Just like there has been no change to the climate from 1977, in 2037 there will not be any change at all.

The only thing that comes from alarmist is unnecessary panic and unnecessary actions that will cost much and do nothing or cost much and will cause harm.
Reply:Hey wiserbud. Do you answer these questions to try and prove your intelligence? Plate tectonics? Give me a break. Did you even read the question? He said nothing about the mountains crumbling let alone anything about the asthenosphere.

Dr. Jello - Why don't you listen to what the real scientists (NAS and AAAS) have to say about global climate change instead of pointing fingers? You should check you sources for credibility before you form a belief. Have you been reading articles published or funded by Exxon? Do you work for Exxon? Get real. Global warming is! Time for you to be too. Good question. Keep spreading the word and thank you.

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