Friday, January 27, 2012

Quit smoking marijuana,,,,,cant sleep????

ive recently quit/stopped(idk) smoking marijuana, ive been smoking for around 6 n a half mayb 7 years, solid every day some months more then others about 1-5 times a day depending what im doing/feeling....ive stopped about every other year for a month or so just to clear my mind or to pass a drug test for a job or w.e ..... but its my 5th time trying to stop adn mentaly i know i can do it but ive been haing sleeping problems....this never happened b 4 when i stopped blazzin but idk i cant sleep ill go out n party with my frineds come home pretty tanked n still cant pass out.....idk whats wrong but i need some advise or help on whats goin it a mental thing or could it be somthin i need to talk to my doc about ....i dont want to get on any pills or meds be cuz im pure and dont even take advile...people were surprised i smoked weed bcuz of how i am about so called drugs liek advile n all them so called pain killers.....any suggestions ...thanks

Quit smoking marijuana,,,,,cant sleep????
the only thing I can think of is weed use to relax u b/c that is what it does, know you r intense, nothing to relax with, maybe in time this will just pass, I quit smokiing after like everyday 3/6 times a day like 12 years on and off like you, but when I quit I had no problems like you are, but that doesn't mean anything, sleepless nights is a restless mind, really try and let everything go before you go to bed, and I myself PRAY about everything, really works. All else fells call Doctor
Reply:it sounds like you're going through withdrawal symptoms, a sign of physical addiction. after your body has detoxified, you should be able to sleep well again. it's just a matter of time.

it might be a good idea to go ahead and talk to your doctor anyway, though. he may be able to help you with your addiction, and i doubt he is going to prescribe pills to a drug addict.
Reply:Drink milk, eat rice, both contain melatonin, a natural sleeping aid. From
Reply:Marijuana has no addictive traits u do not have withdraws and u can not O.D. i have been a fellow stonier for 5 years i do admit i do u can get a little cranky after i stop the herb but it only last a few days, u may have just smoked a lot before u quit. There is this stuff i get for drug tests for my work u can get it at your nearest head shop it this juice drink u drink it the day of your test. That way u can keep BLAZING.
Reply:it's hard to kick any habit. drinking booze isn't the answer. you can buy herbal teas at the grocery store. "sleepy time tea" is the name of one, and "chamomile" is a good one to help you to relax. you can also turn your radio / cd down low, and listen to a calming music. no head banging stuff. you need to relax your mind also. try to clear your head of all thought. i was told once by a doctor to picture myself laying comfortably in bed. then think to myself, i'm comfortable, i'm relaxed, i feel like i'm as light as a feather, i'm floating like a cloud drifting in the sky, my arms feel light and are floating, etc, go on to your fingers, hands, feet, legs, toes, back, until you drift off. but don't obsess over it. if you get frustrated, you wont be able to sleep. when your minds slows down, and you start to feel relaxed, stop the floating stuff. you can also buy a sound machine, the beach sound, and rain are very soothing.
Reply:get nicorette

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