Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Your thoughts on dumping someone ....?

What is the best way to dump a boyfriend that lives with you? Part of the reason I want him gone is b/c financially he has not for 6 years contributed financially and barely physically. I function as his mother and am no longer in love with him. Mentally and in subtle ways he is verbally abusive and threatens to withdrawl the little help that he offers with houshold task and the kids if I refuse sexual advances (affection, sex, kiss). "Chris" is a habitual weed smoker , has a felony conviction , works part time and puts his social life ahead of the rest of the families needs. I want to put him out ASAP, I am dating another man, who happens to be very patient and understanding of this situation. How can I tell him to leave and get him to do so quickly (due to his financial situation), without arguement or explanation, but yet be clear and consice. How long would you allow him to stay so that he can get a new place? What is the best way to tell him this is the end and you need to go

Your thoughts on dumping someone ....?
Get him out now, let him live with his dope smoking buddies. You have a life and it seems you have been living it. Way to go, girl. Talk to you landlord, attorney, police, etc. If you rent and he is on the lease this could be timely, but well worth it. If you own, just boot him out. Make sure every one knows what you are doing so he can't try to make you look like the bad guy once he has been kicked to the curb. You may not want to air your dirty laundry, but it can come back and haunt you if you do not. I learned this the hard way.
Reply:He's a dead beat pot head and you are a cheater. Sounds like you have a good thing going.
Reply:Just be honest with him and have all his stuff out in the front yard.
Reply:Be honest and tell him that since he no longer contributes financially or emotionally you want him to get out of your house. I would not allow him to stay even for a short period of time because he will find every excuse in the book to stay. I am sure he has friends or family that will let him stay with them until he can get on his feet and find another place. Good Luck!
Reply:Ok girl he isn't just going to leave. He will keep on staying and never leave because he is a moocher. If you think getting out of this without argument or explanation is going to happen your crazy. The only way to get rid of men like him is to treat him so bad and make him so miserable he finally decides to find someone else to mooch on like family or even another female. Why did you stay with this worthless piece of crap so long?
Reply:well... there is no easy way.. to do it and most people will agree on that one... but..yes as some one else said.. have some one close by ...just in case.. he gets off the handle...Good luck
Reply:You need Dr. Phil. Yahoo users are not ready for questions such as this.
Reply:you aren't getting away with this without a fight, and you need someone nearby to call if he gets angry. You just need to tell him to get out, and at the most give him a week to get out, good luck
Reply:could be the start of a huge fight, is his name anywhere on the lease? if it is could be problems, he will never find a new place, he will stay there and suck the life out of u till u make him go. if his name isn't on the lease, just tell him he has to go, hope there isn't any physical abuse over it. when a man thinks he is loosing what he loves, and has no options he may react in a bad way. maybe get your dad to come over, or a friend when u tell him to go. the longer he stays with u after u have told him to go the worse it will be on u. maybe just move out if u are in a rental, go elsewhere, but there is no way there won't be trouble with this man once u ask him to go. after u tell him to go u should not allow him to be there because u never know when the verbal abuse will turn into physical abuse, he is a deadbeat, and the sooner u get him out of your life the better u will feel. good luck
Reply:Tough situation...send the kids away to a friends. GO to a public place for coffee or lunch and break the news there. Give him two weeks to one month to get out - but really it all depends on how well you can co-exist after the news has been given - the worse the reaction the shorter the time down to that day if you think he is dangerous. Have the phone number of the police and your friend at hand. If he has somewhere to go then he should go there immediately. Give him this in notice in writing so you are covered legally. You may also want to consult an attorney as if you have been cohabiting for more than 4 years you may be considered common law husband and wife in some states and that may give him some rights - so perhaps consult an attorney. Good luck.

leather slippers

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