Friday, January 27, 2012

Any advise on this subject would be most appreciated. Jehovah's Whiteness?

Its a long story so i shall try and make it brief. I have been with my partner for 8yrs, after a while he announces to me that he shared the same beliefs as Jehovas Whitnesses, although he has not been baptised. Mostly due to the fact that he smokes weed, and drinks alcohol, so has never been able to make a solid commitment. Anyway he used to go on and on at me about it to the point that i would study the bible with the whitnesses myself. I have studied on 3 occasions, and have always backed out due to the constant pressure they put on me. On occasions they told me that my partner was demonic, due to his drug taking, and advised us to split, they said that he was opening our family up to demonic forces. He did leave for about a yr. However once i broke away from the whitnesses i decided i didn't want to hear any more about it, as it made me ill, feeling constantly guilty and inadequate. I made it clear to my partner that i wanted no more to do with the whitnesses

Any advise on this subject would be most appreciated. Jehovah's Whiteness?
I'm going to be very careful here for one main reason. I have heard such things from apostates, and it is normally a lie to try and convince people that Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult only interested in separating families and brain washing the gullible.

First of all, Jehovah's Witnesses will never force you to do anything. They will never force you to do a Bible study and they most certainly will never force you to leave your partner.

Secondly, It would not be agreed by the Congregation Overseer for your partner to become an unbaptised publisher for a couple of reasons. He is not living according to Jehovah's standards, i.e. he smokes, including smoking dope and he as a drink problem. He also lives with a you as his partner, which sounds like you are not actually married. If that is the case, he also would not be allowed to become an unbaptised publisher.

It seems very unlikely that they would say to you, that your partner was demonic and that he was opening up your family to demonic forces.

If you have studied only three times, they would not pressure you to do anything. The worse they might have done is invite you to the meetings, but they would not have pressured you.

I have to admit I have my suspicions about this account. If it is true, then I am deeply sorry for you but you should not judge the whole of Jehovah's Organisation on the actions of a few. We are all imperfect.

I have to say, no one forces their children to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. They decide when they are old enough to either carry one and be baptised or leave. There is no pressure. Jehovah gaves us free will to worship him or not.
Reply:This guy is a hypocrite loser. He tells you and your kids how to live your lives while he continues to abuse drugs and alcohol. No wonder people laugh at him. I would be seriously concerned about what sort of example he is setting for your children. It can't be good for them to be exposed to his influence. Do you want them to grow up like him?

You have made the brave decision to break away from a religion which did not suit you, now you have to decide if you should complete the process by breaking away from your partner.

It's a tough one but consider this. Your partner is not behaving reasonably when he preaches religious fervour but ignors his own sins. Use of cannabis can lead to dangerous psychotic incidents in particular when combined with other drugs like alcohol. Your partner sounds as if he is not very stable to start with and has been using drugs for a long time. You need to ask yourself if it is safe to have your children in close contact with such a man. Personally I would never allow a drug user to be in a position where he could influence my children. I think your partner is dangerously unstable.

He uses drugs.

He uses alcohol.

He preaches a religion he doesn't follow even slightly.

He won't commit.

Even his "mates" think he is a fool.

For your kids sake if not your own, lose this joker before he damages you or your children.

As regards your religious beliefs, there are lots of churches out there, if you need religious support you will find it without pressure from anyone. Just speak to other christians, perhaps from more mainstream churches, or local ministers. I'm sure they will be glad to help and guide you.

Reply:i think they like to come across has experts and a cut above the rest of us as per pro reading bible because they have been brain washed into what they believe same has every thing i thing it is a myth
Reply:It's clearly an unhealthy mindset, and your instincts are telling you what is best for you and lay off the self-guilt, it isn't doing you any good..The both of you might benefit from exploring other avenues of faith. Practice a religion that is comfortable and nurturing to you, maybe your bf will follow suit..good luck :o)..

Oh and I have known people who were brought up JW...never have these individuals demonstrated that this religion helped them, in fact quite the opposite-hope this helps you
Reply:If hes a Jehovah Witness he is beyond help.Make for the hills.
Reply:Hi, I'm sorry your partner is on drugs and drinks too much. That being the case, and also due to the fact he is living with someone he is not married to, he would not be allowed to get baptized or be approved for the public ministry as an unbaptized publisher. No wonder his friends laugh at him if he tries to preach to them, he needs to put his money where his mouth is. I know it is easier said than done. It would be great if he would clean up his life and become a Witness, but even if he did, that doesn't mean YOU have to. Why would you feel guilty or inadequate if you didn't believe what the Witnesses were teaching you anyway?

I have to agree with a lot of people here though, do you really want to be with someone or have your children around someone who uses illegal drugs on a regular basis? It might be better for you to take the kids and let your partner sink or swim on his own. Email me if you want. All the best to you.
Reply:Ultimately decide, his beliefs, or him.

I am a Christian, one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

It sounds to me like he is trying to do the right thing, but not going about it the right way.

In my opinion, he needs time alone to figure things out, and get his life straight, one way or another.


The drug abuse is something you definitely NEED to settle with him. Children don't need to be around that, regardless of beliefs.
Reply:there all crazy and if you know just a bit of your bible then you can put smart any of them.
Reply:If you were one of Jehovah's Witnesses, you couldn't lead an immoral life like you're doing now. Is that what you want?

BTW, JWs do not put pressure on anyone. You have to decide what you want to to do.
Reply:It sounds like you should stay away from the Jehovah's Witnesses.

But then that's good advice for anyone.
Reply:Its his decision to choose whatever religion he wants to be in. Even if that means he becomes a Jehovah's Witnesses. JW's are good people, they respect society's laws and their children are well behaved in school. I have a hard time believing that the people who study with your husband said to you that hes demonic. He will eventually change and stop drinking and smoking weed, I know somebody who did.
Reply:i don't mean to be unkind but xactly where is this all going? try being single for a bit and have some fun and a laugh with your friends and actually do what you want when you want to, for a bit.

oh and good luck too

ps it's witness as opposed to whiteness. whiteness is what you get from a washing be safe
Reply:LOL - I've never read such a pack of lies in all my born days.

But it was entertaining.

Thank you :o)
Reply:He should respect you if you want to hear no more of it.

However, I am more concerned about his alcohol and drug use. He needs professional help. If he won't get it, I also would suggest that you break up for your own safety.

Yes, I'm a JW, but I think many others would advice this too.

I've known a lot of people on weed heavily and alcohol and if they continue to use heavily, they most likely eventually will have some kind of breakkdown from it and end up hospitalized. My best friends' son did this. He lives in a home now and cannot function on his own.

Take care of yourself and keep watch for your safely.

Love and hugs,

Reply:There seems to be two types of witnesses you're describing here: One is a Whiteness, and the other is a Whitness. But either way, this particularly judgmental brand of Christianity is every religion's nightmare. Stay away from it if you know what's good for you!
Reply:I'm not a witness but I would advise that you be careful around someone who is into drugs and alcohol. i don't think they are full of demons but those people with this addiction cannot be trusted. I'm sure you have seen this with your own eyes what a person with addiction would do to get what he/she wants, even lie, cheat and steal. If you have kids, the kids are not dummies and will see that you love someone like this and just figure you will love them too. Do you want your kids following in his footsteps? Or even experimenting with this lifestyle? Or worse yet, having him tell your kids that it is ok to practice such things?

This is one of those senarios where you can't just say, do what I say because they are going to do what you do. If they don't practice it, they will find someone just like him. He can't commit to bible study because it teaches him that this lifestyle is wrong. Your kids won't study because he doesn't have to, why should they? See the circle?

Just consider what all I said. I can't make your choice for you. I'm not going to pressure you to do what is right. You can love someone from a distance, but you have to protect your life and the ones in your life first. You can't protect another adult, they have free will to do what they want whether it be right or wrong.

May God show you the way and give you strength to travel the right rough road.


edit: Sorry I took this as you wanted to study and he didn't. But I am leaving the advice the way it is because having this lifestyle of his will not allow him to be a witness and it won't last. They find out about the weed and he will be disfellowshipped. That will be the end of his journey with them then.
Reply:Are you mad?
Reply:Even an unbaptised publisher has to comply with the basic requirements...No smoking of anything...Moderate Alcohol consumption is permitted, but never drunkenness.

A publisher is required to preach door to door, UNDER SUPERVISION, and is virtually a representative of the faith...

He would not be permitted to witness if still smoking.

It is a sad day when a person who has heard about the truth chooses NOT to follow Jehovah. The Bible is clear on the results of that.

2 Peter 3 ; 9 Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.
Reply:Ma'am, there is one thing you should know by now and that is that the Jehovah's Witnesses are a CULT with all the earmarks of a cult. They isolate you from friends and family, they brainwash you and force you into a lifestyle that is very restrictive. Your friend will never get free and you can never expect him it is your choice whether or not you wish to continue this relationship; he will never stop proselytizing so either make your mind up to accept him as is or dump him.
Reply:While many of the them are white, they are the Witnesses, not the Whitenesses.
Reply:I'm not sure if Jehovah was white or not. Most likely he looked like an arab.
Reply:Good for you! well done! stay strong babe and stay away from them! Brainwashing is NOT nice by any stretch of the imagination. You do sound very low though hon and i think you may just need some time for just yourself, even if it's to clear your head now of all the 'goings on' around you. Be Brave, stand tall and walk your OWN path. Blessings.
Reply:i am amazed people still believe there is a god but one thing that's certain is he or she wouldn't condone what the so called holy people have put you through. the ends do not always justify the means.

you can live a virtuous life without resorting to an outdated belief system
Reply:Can't really tell what your question is. As for advice. I would suggest maintaining your spiritual connection with whatever higher power makes you feel good about yourself brings you closer with your husband.
Reply:Whiteness? You mean Witness.
Reply:I have to say, i take great pleasure it telling my fiance's mother that i have no interest in becoming a jehovah's whitness. She constantly pressures her daughter into studying, and makes her feel just as inadequate as you feel. She seems to be relentless in pressuring her into becoming a whitness, but thankfully she's strong enough to keep saying how she feel's.

I now don't get asked anymore, as i kept asking questions that she couldn't answer - a good question to stump a whitness is - ask them if any person has seen god - the answer should be no. ask them to open their bible to Exodus 33:11 - then ask them again!

good luck!
Reply:I don't normally judge other denominations. When it comes to the JW's all rules go out the window. For one they don't even follow the true Bible. They invented their own. They deny the divinity of Christ. That should be the FIRST red flag. The very fact they blaspheme by using God's Holy Name is the second red flag.

They bully their followers, and scare them into obedience.

Getting as far away from them as possible would be a good thing. But do not give up on your faith. Don't let them ruin your relationship with God. Your soul salvation is WAY to important.
Reply:dont answer the door when they knock or put up a sign out side saying no jehovah's whiteness. dont know what else to say

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