Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Puking after 1 beer?

I was drinking with some friends the other night, and had 1 beer to start off with. After it, me and a friend went to his car to smoke a joint, and I felt great after smoking it. We went inside after that to watch a movie. This is when things got bad, the light made me feel sick, so I closed my eyes but then everything felt like it was spinning. After about 20 minutes, I ran to the bathroom and began to puke.

Now, I should clear some things up.

1st: I've drank before many times, and have drank much, much more than just a beer. I've never had something like this happen.

2nd: I've smoked and drank together a lot before too, and been fine. This particular day though, the weed was very high quality and very potent.

3rd: This particular day, I really don't remember eating much. I just never got around to eating and strangely did not feel hungry.

4th, and finally: I've drank some beers since then and felt fine.

Has anyone else had a similar experience or have an explanation?

Puking after 1 beer?
I'd have to wonder if someone put something besides alcohol and pot in the beer or joint, respectively. Your reaction is indicative of something besides the two drugs you mention. I'd be VERY careful before I smoked or drank anything around the same group of people again. I think you got lucky this time, but next time... ??? Not worth the risk, my friend.
Reply:Ever puke even when you weren't drinking or doing drugs?

Yes, you can get sick any time. It isn't always drugs or drinking.
Reply:Sometimes your body just messes with you. You may coughed a little harder than usual or just a little something to irritate your stomache. You know it doesn't take much. Did you feel better after you puked. If so, it was probably an isolated incident.
Reply:Those are also symptoms of a migraine (sometimes you can have a migraine without your head actually hurting). Were you also seeing spots or flashes of light? It could have been a blood-sugar issue, especially if you hadn't eaten much that day. Take care!
Reply:Thats really wierd because the THC in bud is an antiemetic (nausea reducer).

Maybe the combination of not eating, smoking strong bud, and alcohol was to much for you stomach and blood sugar to handle all at one time and caused you to throw up.

I don't know. If it were regular cigs it would be more understandable since cigs can make you nauseous sometimes but marijuana is way different. It prevents nausea.

idk. Its kinda wierd.
Reply:It was the mix of not eating much, that lil bit of alcohol and the potent reefer you smoked. The weed was probably too strong for you, or what you were used to.
Reply:I've seen your post on several international forums. I think you really got a problem. See a professional.

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